
Governing Council

Governance in schools and preschools is the responsibility of the governing council whose role is directed by the constitution and code of practice. In this model of governance: 

  • The cooperative role of governing council and school staff is emphasised.
  • Management and governance are clearly separated.
  • The focus is on improving student learning outcomes.
  • The broad directions are set and monitored by the governing council.
  • The site leader and staff are responsible for reporting.
  • Joint areas of accountability are minimised.

Download the Governing Council Constitution

Governing Council 2024

Darrin Briggs

Principal (Ex Officio position)

Alison Wells

Early Years Director (Ex Officio position)

Shannon Carlaw

(Chairperson) - School Parent Rep 1

Daryl McMahon

(Deputy Chair) School Parent Rep 2

Melanie Pope

(Treasurer) - School Parent Rep 3

Joanne Reid

School Parent Rep 4

Wesley Gilson

School Parent Rep 5

Mark Williams

School Parent Rep 6

Melissa Zanker

Preschool Parent Rep

Julieann O'Donovan

ELC Parent Rep

Kerri Watt

School Staff Rep

Nadia Vernari

Children’s Centre Staff Rep

Not yet filled

Community Rep 1 - Greek Orthodox Community of SA

The Hon Lucy Hood MP

Community Rep 2 - State Member for Adelaide

Erica Knapp

Community Rep 3 - Community Development Coordinator, - Dept Human Services

Governing Councils: 

Set Broad Direction (In conjunction with the site leader)

The governing council identifies and incorporates, where possible, student, parent and community input and values into the broad direction ofthe school. The principal director brings the staff perspective to these undertakings. The broad direction may include a future vision, astatement of purpose and a set of values that clearly focus on improving student learning.

Develop Broad Directional Policy

The governing council develops broad policy statements that facilitate the achievement of the school vision and broad direction.

Initiate and Approve Recommendations and Strategies

All recommendations must conform to government policy, industrial agreements, DfE policy and direction and site decision making structures.

Other roles of Governing council include:

  • Monitoring progress of site budget and plans
  • Report progress through the annual report to the school community.

Composition of the Governing Council

The Sturt Street Community School Governing Council is made up of 15 voting members including 2 teaching staff, the elected parent members and the Principal and ELC Advisory Committee (Chaired by ELC Director)

Elections for Governing Council are held at the AGM usually held by March.

    Sub Committees

    Committees assist the governing council to carry out its functions more efficiently and effectively by handling matters that require considerable discussion, development, or planning. They may be established to give advice on such responsibilities as finance, buildings and grounds, education policy and community relations.

    Governing council committees are seen as a valuable way of:

    • assisting the council meet its array of responsibilities by expanding the number and range of people involved in governance and leaving the main body to focus on its broader governing role.
    • broadening opportunities for more parents and caregivers, staff and other community members with particular expertise to be involved.
    • providing other entry levels for the participation of interested parents and caregivers, community members and potential future council members.
    • increasing the involvement of staff and strengthening the link between site staff and the governance of the site.
    • Finance Advisory Committee (Chaired by the Treasurer)
    • OSHC (Chaired by OSHC Director)
    • ELC ADVISORY COMMITTEE (Chaired by ELC Director)

      Contact the Governing Council

      Have a question or want to contact the governing council chairperson directly? Please fill out the below contact form and we will be in touch.

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